Table of Contents

Updated State Practice Environment Map: California isn’t red anymore!
We are so pleased that with the passage of SB1237, California is finally going green! Yes, we’re still a light green state, indicating we have a bit more work to do to have full practice authority, but we’ve come a long way! Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to finally remove the requirement for physician supervision of nurse-midwives in California!
Free Membership for New and Renewing Midwives of Color and Student Midwives of Color Through 2021!
CNMA will continue waiving affiliate membership dues through 2021 for Midwives of Color or Student Midwives of Color. If you identify as a Midwife of Color, you may join or renew by using coupon code CA2020 at checkout. We have also encouraged ACNM to waive membership dues to Midwives/Students of Color.
Medi-Cal Rx Update
Medi-Cal Rx Lengthens Transition Time to Full Implementation provider bulletin is available now.
White Paper released by Ariadne Labs: COVID-19 and the Momentum for Better Maternal Health Care
This report is intended to provide a road map for health systems leaders to select where to invest in the near term to help bring these systems changes into reality. Read more here.
Spotlight on Antiracism
CNMA is working towards becoming an antiracist organization. In 2019 new bylaws were approved that recognize CNMA’s responsibility to actively address racism and the resulting health inequalities suffered by communities of color. Importantly, we must actively support efforts to increase racial diversity in our profession while engaging actively in self-education. “Spotlight on Antiracism” is a new section of the newsletter where you will find a monthly educational offering. We encourage our membership to check it out and share widely in your workplaces.
Many non-Black people have experienced times when we should have spoken up but stood by silently as we witnessed racism and perpetrated it. White individuals, institutions and systems must be intentional in dismantling white supremacy that perpetuates systemic racism. One space where it is critical that we address anti-Black racism is in the exam room. All Non-Black providers must step back, make space, listen and invite our Black colleagues and clients to guide and direct care for our Black clients. All healthcare providers can take the necessary steps to make this happen. For non-Black people having a conversation like this requires self-study, practice and feedback. In the NYT article, Protecting Your Birth: A Guide for Black Mothers. How racism can impact your pre- and postnatal care — and advice for speaking to your Ob-Gyn about it,the authors address medical racism and highlight four ways medical providers can actively address their own ant-Black racism:
1) Acknowledge race and racism in the room
2) Create a care plan with the patient anticipating the racism may impact pregnancy
3) Identify how racism may impact labor
4) Identify how racism may impact postpartum
The article offers further insight into how to incorporate these strategies into practice so we improve the care we provide to Black clients.
Anti-Racism Webinar Series for BIPOC students and midwives.
Students - Resilience, Resistance, and Recourse: Advancing as a BIPOC Student in a Racist Structure: December 1, 2020, 7:30 – 9:30 PM ET Register here
Professionals - Resilience, Resistance, and Recourse: Thriving through Systemic Racism: December 8, 2020, 7:30 – 9:30 PM ET Register here
Free live webinar:
The Work Note: Supporting Pregnant and Breastfeeding People During the COVID-19 Pandemic. December 3, 2020, 7:00 – 8:30 PM EST. Register here.

Free Virtual Birth Justice Summit:
Free CME Virtual presentation from Healthy Start in Texas. December 9, 2020, 10 AM CST.
To register, go to
Telehealth Clinic focused on Reproductive Healthcare Services
Choix Health, a telehealth clinic focused on providing reproductive healthcare services and abortion care to people at risk for pregnancy in California.
Job openings to share?
If you have a job opening, please post it at! We will happily share your listing in our newsletter and on social media.
Questions? News? Want to get involved?
Email us at
That's all for this month's issue. Catch you next time!
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