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Mothers are increasingly turning to Midwives to guide them through their pregnancy

Mothers are increasingly turning to midwives to guide them through their pregnancy and parenthood journeys. In 2014, over 8% of U.S. births were attended by midwives – nearly triple of 1989. The values that midwives espouse, and their embrace of individualized and holistic healthcare has become increasingly desirable to future parents. With this in mind, the team at put together a resource breaking down what becoming a certified nurse midwife (CNM) entails. They focus on online master’s programs that offer greater flexibility for those already working in the field. Also included is a career guide on labor and delivery nurses, who support both midwives and mothers through the childbirth experience – and can go on to become CNMs:

Becoming a Labor & Delivery Nurse: has researched these guides to help midwives advance their careers for the betterment of both their lives and those they care for. In contrast to certified midwives, CNMs are licensed to practice in all 50 states and can prescribe medication. is asking us to help reach those that benefit most. 


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