Message from the President
Dear Community,
It’s a new year, full of new hopes and new resolutions. But January brought with it echoes of what we’ve seen too many times in this country. On January 8th, 29 year-old Tyre Nichols, who was a beloved father, son, and brother, was murdered by police. And just two days later, we lost yet another Black mother, April Valentine, during childbirth. Like so many of you, we’re heartbroken and outraged by these events, and by their seeming endlessness.
As defined by SisterSong, Reproductive Justice is the human right to maintain personal bodily autonomy, have children, not have children, and parent the children we have in safe and sustainable communities. We recognize that both racism-based disparities which result in maternal mortality and police-brutality that kill Black bodies are significant public health issues and human rights violations.
31-year old April Valentine was a California resident who recently gave birth to her baby at Centinela Hospital Medical Center in Inglewood, California. According to April's best friend, April and her boyfriend complained for hours about her not being able to feel her legs. The nurses told them they could not call the doctor because the doctor would be “upset." April died on January 10, 2023 while still in the hospital, and at time of this release, Centinela Hospital Medical Center has not commented on circumstances surrounding her death.
It is time to hold health care systems accountable for their actions and to promote discussions of patient care standards among health care personnel. Those responsible for providing care to birthing and postpartum people must fulfill their duties to provide quality, competent, and compassionate care. We urge midwives, student midwives, and all members of our community to use their voices and power to speak out against these injustices, to talk about the intersections of public health and reproductive injustice, and to discuss quality care standards within health care institutions immediately.
Please follow her sister for updates and upcoming protests on Instagram. If you can afford to, please consider supporting April’s family by contributing to the gofundme. And please, please, please, listen to women and birthing people and to their families when they have concerns.
As always, I’m available by email at parisbury@gmail.com and by text at (805) 415-2553.
In the spirit of service and solidarity,
Paris Maloof-Bury, CNM, IBCLC
President, California Nurse-Midwives Association
Health Policy Updates
CNMA Sponsors a Cleanup Bill
It's finally here! A new legislative session! CNMA will be sponsoring a bill this year to clarify issues that have arisen since physician supervision was removed. Many of you reached out over the past two years to give insight into the persistent barriers to practice. We heard you and this bill will address many of those concerns! This bill has not yet been introduced, so stay tuned at www.cnma.org/advocacy for up-to-date info. Want to be involved in health policy? Contact advocacy@cnma.org.
Reproductive Freedom Week
Reproductive Freedom Week (RFW) has been scheduled! Save the dates: April 17-21. RFW is a "virtual statewide advocacy event, coordinated by California Coalition for Reproductive Freedom (CCRF), and featuring advocacy training, in-district legislative visits, and other community-building events." For the last three years, CNMA has participated in Reproductive Freedom Week in lieu of an in-person lobby day. This allows us to have a larger reach – we lobby in our own districts and coordinate efforts that advance reproductive freedom as a whole (including midwifery practice issues!) while simultaneously educating policy makers and community partners about midwifery. Participation in RFW also allows us to be a good partner to our supporters at the California Coalition for Reproductive Freedom. More information here.
Medi-Cal Doula Benefit
Through the combination of the ongoing implementation of the California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM) program in California and California’s reprocurement of its contracts with commercial health care service plans to deliver services to people in Medi-Cal managed care, California is making major changes to the delivery of Medi-Cal services over the next two years. This fact sheet briefly outlines some of these upcoming changes, and discusses important consumer protections that are designed to ensure that beneficiaries maintain access to needed care during these major programmatic transitions.
Client and Consumer Education Resources
Ask the Midwife
The Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health is excited to announce a new name for the Share with Women patient handouts – Ask the Midwife! The new title, Ask the Midwife, was inspired by our desire to be gender inclusive and to better reflect the question-and-answer format of these patient handouts. Patient handouts published prior to 2023 will retain the Share with Women title. Updates to existing handouts or new handouts published starting January 2023 will be published under the title Ask the Midwife. If you have any questions about this change, please contact JMWH at jmwh@acnm.org. To view existing handouts and see new ones as soon as they are published, please visit askthemidwife.jmwh.org or
Safer Sleep Training: Online for Parents and Caregivers
Black Wellness & Prosperity Center (BWPC) is happy to share our BWPC Safer Sleep online training for parents and caregivers! It's FREE. A special thanks to our partner, Cultural Brokers, Inc. for the collaboration. Please, share this resource with your colleagues, patients, participants, members, parents etc. A more comprehensive version for maternal child health educators will be available later in 2023. The health educator version will have a nominal fee and offer CEUs. Stay tuned! As part of our mission to ensure more Black babies have a safe sleeping environment, BWPC will provide a play pen (while supplies last) to parents and caregivers of Black babies. Use THIS LINK if you want to "check out" the course before sharing it. Share THIS LINK with your patients, parents, and caregivers
Education, Trainings, and Webinars
CNMA 2022 Annual Meeting Recording
If you weren't able to make the Annual Meeting in real time this year, here’s another opportunity to purchase tickets and catch up! Janelle Palacios spoke on the Arrive Trial. Ana Delgado spoke on Using Quality Improvement to Advance Equity. Rixa Freeze spoke on Breech Birth Maneuvers. Tanya Khemet Taiwo spoke on Environmental Factors affecting Fetal Development. Paris Maloof-Bury spoke on the Marginalization of Black Midwives in America. 8 CEUs. Register here.
Maternal Mental Health Certificate Training for Mental Health and Clinical Professionals
Specialized training webinar series hosted by Postpartum Support International and 2020 Mom. This 8-session course, running from Mondays, February 13 - May 22, 2023, is presented by top experts and trainers in the field of perinatal mental health. Cost: $500 (Discounts apply for PSI Members, Students and Groups). Register by: February 6, 2023
Classes are on Mondays from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm PST; however, classes are recorded and can be watched at any time. Course will repeat from Sept-Dec 2023.
Structural Racism and Abortion Access
Please join the Minnesota Cluster of the Reproductive Health Access Network for a national virtual gathering. This legislative season, we would like to invite you to a two-part National event to discuss criminalization and abortion with Asha Hassan and Anna Hing. On February 6th, join us as we discuss the intersection of structural racism and abortion access throughout the US, the racialized history of abortion restrictions, and the disproportionate impact this has had on racialized people. We will then open it up on February 13th to examine the connections between abortion criminalization and the links between the right to abortion access and other legal maneuvers like voting restrictions. Both events will be at 5 PM PST; the same zoom link will work for both events. We are so excited to see you all for these talks; come to one, come to both, but please come join us and bring whoever you think will be interested! Feel free to share this invite with any supportive residents, medical students, and primary care clinicians you may know. Please RSVP to receive the zoom link for BOTH events.
Behavioral Fitness Webinar
What’s the secret to happiness? Research reveals that when one person becomes happy, a friend living close by has a 25% chance of becoming happy too, a spouse has an 8% chance, and a next-door neighbor has a 34% chance of being happier. This notion that happiness and emotions are contagious creates the foundation of this meaningful discussion. Join the American Nurses Association\California on February 07, 2023 from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM and learn practical tools that you can begin using today. 1.0 CEU. Register here.
Webinar: Abortion Pills are Coming to Pharmacies
Tune in on Wednesday, February 8, 2023 at 9:00 AM PST for the Act and Learn Webinar: Abortion Pills are Coming to Pharmacies. So far: CVS and Walgreens have pledged to offer medication abortion in their stores, and Rite Aid followed with a pledge to offer it at some of theirs, as well. In this webinar, we’ll give you the facts behind this news and action for how to make sure your local pharmacy is stocking this necessary medication. We’re linking up with experts to break down the exciting news and facts about abortion pills coming to pharmacies near you. Register here.
Midwifery in Medicaid Business Case Learning Series
The Institute for Medicaid Innovation is accepting applications for its new learing series which will introduce midwives to fundamental business concepts related to Medicaid and business. The learning series includes 15 monthly sessions with thought leaders and change agents, interactive content, pre-session activities and supplemental resources and tools. The series will run March 23, 2023 - May 16, 2024. There is no cost to participate however participation is limited. Apply by Feburary 9th.
AIM Perinatal Mental Health Conditions Patient Safety Bundle Webinar
Join the Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health (AIM) on Monday, February 13, at 12 PM PST for a webinar that will introduce and explain how to implement the new Perinatal Mental Health Conditions Patient Safety Bundle. Register here.
2023 AWHONN Convention
The 2023 AWHONN Convention, taking place June 17-21, 2023 in New Orleans, will be a transformative event that will help you to develop and hone your leadership skills, empower your team to adopt and adapt new standards in care, reevaluate and inspire change to historically challenging workplace cultures, and understand how playing a part in nursing and patient advocacy can increase delivery of quality patient care while improving the nursing environment. Early Bird registration ends February 14, 2023.
Shedding Light on the Realities of Evaluating and Managing Preterm Labor
Join us for the third presentation in Hologic’s Perinatal webinar series: Timing Is Everything, For Their Everything. In her webinar, Dr. Cassir will discuss the evaluation and management of preterm labor with a focus on the following objectives: Review the incidence and etiology of preterm birth.
Detail the reality of preterm labor.
Evaluate evidence-based data on fetal fibronectin and transvaginal ultrasound and their role in evaluating preterm labor.
Assess the importance of reducing the number of false positive diagnoses.
Exemplify the importance of timing when it comes to interventions that can improve neonatal outcomes, particularly corticosteroid administration.
Discuss the effect of protocols on patients with preterm labor.
February 16, 2023, 12 PM PST. Register here.
AWHONN National Convention
The 2023 AWHONN Convention, taking place June 17-21 in New Orleans, will be a transformative event that will help you to develop and hone your leadership skills, empower your team to adopt and adapt new standards in care, reevaluate and inspire change to historically challenging workplace cultures, and understand how playing a part in nursing and patient advocacy can increase delivery of quality patient care while improving the nursing environment. Register by February 14, 2023 to get the early bird discount!
Training on Providing Abortion Services as Another Line of Business
Training on Providing Abortion Services as Another Line of Business with Feldesman Tucker and Dr. Panna Lossy. CPCA is partnering with Feldesman Tucker Leifer Fidell and Dr. Panna Lossy to host a training session on abortion services. Expert attorneys, Ted Waters and Carrie Riley will review the applicable federal law restricting the delivery of elective abortions within a federally funded Health Center Project, with a focus on the legal and accounting principles associated with providing elective abortions as an “other line of business.” The presenters will address considerations related to cost allocation, federal interest, and program income. Dr. Panna Lossy will be joining us to give a clinical perspective and discuss best practices when providing therapeutic abortions at health centers. We encourage CEOs, CMOs, CFOs, and lead clinicians, clinic managers, or billing staff to attend. If possible, health centers are encouraged to send multiple members of your team to learn and begin discussing the practical implications of implementing these services in an FQHC setting. Thursday, February 16, 2023 from 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM PST. Register: HERE
Thinking Outside the Systems: Reimagining Healthy Sexual Development for Youth in Foster Care
The Reproductive Health Equity Project for Foster Youth (RHEP) would like to invite you to this year's Conference "Thinking Outside the Systems: Reimagining Healthy Sexual Development for Youth in Foster Care" on February 16th. It's free! it's virtual! and it's full of great content! Our keynote speaker is Professor Khiara M. Bridges; we will be honoring Supervisor Hilda Solis of the LA County Board of Supervisors; and we have wonderful presenters. There will be workshops on sexual health education, how to engage in supportive conversations with youth, abortion and gender affirming care access for youth in foster care, young parenthood, culturally specific reproductive health programming, reproductive coercion and how to support youth, and much more. Details on workshops, speakers and conference FAQs, as well as the registration link, are available here.
Transforming White Privilege: On the Path to Racial Equity in Maternity Care
We invite self-identifying white midwives to explore with us our understanding of white privilege, racism, and anti-blackness. We will examine the history of race and racism and the culture of white supremacy and white fragility, as we learn to interrupt the harmful effects of racism. Engaging with readings, videos, exercises, personal stories and restorative practices, we will build a supportive, healing community while we cultivate the skills needed to show up together as white midwives and birth workers to do the work of dismantling racism in maternity care. Please email a paragraph expressing your interest and motivation for taking the course to our facilitators at transformingprivilege@gmail.com by mid-February. We ask that you plan to attend all of the sessions and do the assigned videos and readings for each class. This class has been created especially for white midwives and birth workers. Please share if you have any special concerns or recommendations. Cost: $250-500 (sliding scale) *reduced fee. will be considered in cases of financial hardship A portion of the proceeds will go to Neighbors for Racial Justice, and the remainder will support other Bay Area BIPOC-led organizations on the front lines of this work. Mondays, 3/20/23 - 4/17/23, 12-2:30 PST.
BIPOC Student Meet and Greet
BIPOC Midwifery Students are invited to join the ACNM Meet and Greet on Sunday, February 19, 2023 from 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM PST. The registration deadline is Friday, February 17, 2023 at 9:00 AM PST. You will receive a zoom invite after registration closes. Open to members and non-members.
Submit a Proposal to Present at the 2023 AABC Birth Institute
The AABC Program Committee is accepting proposals to present at the 2023 AABC Birth Institute to be held October 12-15, 2023 in Tucson, Arizona. The conference is themed "Birth Centers - An Oasis in the Desert. Restoration. Nourishment. Sustainability." We welcome abstracts that address clinical issues and administrative challenges for birth center providers/administrators, and others developing innovative solutions in maternity care. Whenever possible, abstract submissions should include content about racism and health disparities, social determinants of health, and diversity and inclusion. Apply by February 27, 2023.
Pregnancy Options Workshop
All-Options has opened registration for our Spring 2023 Pregnancy Options Workshop (POW). Our Spring 2023 POW will be offered online via Zoom, starting Tuesday, March 9, and running weekly through Tuesday, April 11. This course is facilitated live by All-Options staff members and expert guests, and is for anyone who would like to deepen their self-awareness, expand their knowledge, and practice new skills surrounding pregnancy options counseling. Click here for details and to register - registration will close March 3. If folks have any questions, please email our National Trainings Coordinator at karlie@all-options.org.
ACNM Annual Meeting
ACNM is delighted to formally invite you to the 68th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, which will be held at the Caribe Royale Orlando in sunny Orlando, Florida. Join us to reconnect with colleagues, build new relationships, and address pressing challenges and opportunities in a candid, interactive format. PRE-CONFERENCE: MAY 5-6, 2023. MAIN EVENT: MAY 7-9, 2023.
The ACNM Annual Meeting & Exhibition brings together the largest concentration of certified nurse-midwives (CNMs) and certified midwives (CMs) in the nation, along with other women’s health practitioners, allied health professionals, researchers, faculty, community leaders, policymakers, and midwifery students in support of common goals to advance women’s health and the practice of midwifery. Register now–Early Bird pricing ends March 15, 2023!
The Midwife as Surgical First Assistant
The full schedule of The Midwife as Surgical First Assistant (First Assist) Virtual Clinical Labs for 2023 is now available! First Assist focuses on training midwives to participate and provide continuity of care for patients during a cesarean section.
Tuesday, March 21 (10:00am – 4:00pm EST) Registration closes on Monday, March 6*
Tuesday, April 18 (10:00am – 4:00pm EST) Registration closes on Monday, April 3*
The Endometriosis Summit
The Endometriosis Summit hosts an annual Endometriosis Summit to train physicians and educate patients. We also host a separate fertility conference, a webinar series, a podcast, and participate in legislative initiatives and research directives. Join us March 24-26, 2023. No one should be lost in the sea of confusion that is endometriosis. For patients and practitioners we want to empower you. Learn more and register here.
CNMA Annual Meeting
Join us in Los Angeles for the 2023 CNMA Annual Meeting. Speakers to be determined, this site will be updated as presenters confirm. August 26, 2023 at the Omni Hotel in Los Angeles. Get your tickets early–Early Bird registration ends March 31, 2023. 8 CEUs.
Annual Nurse Practitioner’s Premier Women’s Healthcare Conference
NPWH is accepting abstract submissions for posters, podium presentations, and clinical breakout sessions at our 26th Annual NPWH Premier Women's Healthcare Conference, being held October 29 - November 1, 2023, in San Diego, California. For questions regarding research/innovative abstracts, please contact Carol Wiley. For questions regarding clinical abstracts, please contact Donna Ruth. Deadline to Apply: April 16, 2023.
Perinatal Mood Disorders: Components of Care
This two-day online course, taught by expert and engaging faculty, uses a thorough, evidence-based curriculum designed for psychiatrists, nurses, physicians, social workers, mental health providers, childbirth professionals, social support providers, and anyone interested in building skills for assessment and treatment of perinatal mood disorders. Your registration includes a training manual, handouts, and certification of continuing education credits. Cost: $425 (Discounts for PSI Members and Students). Register here.
April 26th & 27th, 2023 5:30 am - 2:00 pm PST. Registration ends 4/18/23. Advanced PMH Psychotherapy Training and Advanced PMH Psychopharmacology available 4/28/23 for an additional fee.
August 9th & 10th, 2023 5:00 am - 2:00 pm PST. Registration ends 8/1/23. Advanced PMH Psychotherapy Training and Advanced PMH Psychopharmacology available 8/11/23 for an additional fee.
November 8th & 9th, 2023 6:30 am - 3:00 pm PST. Registration ends 10/17/23. Advanced PMH Psychotherapy Training and Advanced PMH Psychopharmacology available 11/10/23 for an additional fee
CNMA Online Abortion Training
CNMA is offering online abortion training on Friday, April 28, 2023 from 8 AM - 12 PM PST. This training is open to all APRNs and RNs who wish to learn about abortion care, and will cover values clarification, options counseling, medication abortion prescribing and updates, and telehealth abortion. $100, 4 CEUs. Register here.
AABC Members Invited to Participate in Affinity Circles
The AABC Diversity + Inclusion Committee invites members to participate in quarterly Affinity Circle meetings beginning this February. Affinity Circles are offered for the following groups:
Members of the Global Majority (Because historic minoritizing and marginalization has continually occurred to Black, brown, Asian, and additional people of color, we respectfully use the collective term the Global Majority in our attempt to affirm and positively represent the people who hold these racial identities.)
White Allyship
These meetings are designed to create a safe space for members to explore identity, areas of concern, and community change. These sessions will be facilitated by AABC’s diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) consultants, Sarah Hansen and Amanda Neatrour, of the EnterChange Group. Learn more and register.
Obstetric Violence: What it is and what community can do about it
This is vital information on obstetric violence presented with trauma awareness for the learner.
Course goals are to:
Integrate trauma awareness and trauma-informed practice in ourselves
Define, identify, and contextualize manifestations of obstetric violence
Strengthen our own advocacy skills and build community to advocate against obstetric violence
8-10 CEUs. Register and learn more here.
Understanding how Trauma affects the Black Community
Racism, whether unconscious or overt, has long-term impacts on the mental and behavioral health of Black communities. While COVID-19 and racial injustice protests may have brought on new trauma, years of systematic racism, discrimination, and microaggressions have forced Black communities to live in a constant state of high alert, causing traumatic stress. Watch our on-demand webinar, What Is Racial Trauma?, to hear Jamila Holcomb, Ph.D., LMFT, discuss how racial trauma affects the Black community and ways both clinicians and organizations can better connect with Black clients. During the webinar, you’ll learn:
How racial trauma affects the mental, emotional, and physical health of the Black community
The impacts racial discrimination can have on Black youth and emerging adults
Strategies to help clinicians and organizations better connect with their Black clients
How organizations can help all staff members understand their own implicit bias
To view previously listed educational opportunities, please visit our website at https://www.cnma.org/courses.
Volunteer Opportunities
Call for Stories about Abortion Care Post-Roe
UCSF is launching a study that aims to document poor-quality care post-Dobbs due to new restrictive abortion laws. Health care providers can anonymously submit stories about care that deviated from the usual standard at CarePostRoe.com. Some examples of cases we’re hoping to document include:
Delayed provision of abortion care for people whose health may be compromised by continuing the pregnancy (including young adolescents)
Delayed management of ectopic pregnancy
Delayed treatment for spontaneous pregnancy loss and preterm premature rupture of membranes
Difficulty providing standard-of-care treatment due to the concern of causing an abortion, regardless of whether the patient was pregnant or not (e.g., chemotherapy, methotrexate, or misoprostol for a non-abortion indication)
Providers can submit either a written narrative or leave a voice memo with details of the case. The submissions are anonymous but if providers would like to be contacted for an interview, they can leave their contact info, which is not linked to their submission. The study is approved by the UCSF IRB.
Request for ACOG's Labor of Love Podcast Guest Recommendations
This spring, ACOG launches a new podcast series, Labor of Love. In its upcoming second season, ACOG’s Labor of Love podcast will shift from focusing on the COVID-19 pandemic experience of new mothers to the pandemic experience of clinicians. Our host, Dr. Veronica Pimentel, will hold conversations with maternal health clinicians regarding the challenges and triumphs they experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic. Each of the five 20-minute episodes will focus on the following themes:
Midwives' Mental Health and Wellness
Midwives-Patient Trust during the Pandemic
Building COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence with Patients
Midwives’ Role in Addressing Disparities and Promoting Health Equity
Workforce Capacity Building During and After a Pandemic
We are looking for dynamic clinicians to be guests on each episode of the podcast. We’re looking for guests that represent other clinician types such as midwives, mental health practitioners, nurse practitioners in women’s health, and labor and delivery nurses. If you know any practicing clinicians in these categories, please feel free to send us their information. If anyone comes to mind who you believe would be well-suited to speak to one or more of the topics above, please respond to this email with the nominee's name, job title, contact information, episode(s) they would be well suited for, and 1-2 sentences on what makes them a good fit. Please submit your recommendations to calonso@acnm.org.
Learn more and apply for these or other volunteer position openings today!
Scholarships, Grants, Funding, and Awards
RFP for LA County Abortion Safe Haven Pilot Program
Essential Access released a Request for Proposals (RFP) to advance the legislature's intent to expand access to abortion services and education in Los Angeles County. Entities that serve individuals and communities in Los Angeles can apply for funding to support expansion of clinical services, provider training, community education, infrastructure and security enhancements, and other activities to improve access to abortion care and accurate, unbiased information County-wide The RFP and link to the online application can be accessed here. The funding range is $100,000-$500,000 per year and applicants must serve individuals and communities in Los Angeles and may select one-year or two-year project periods. Applications are due by Monday, February 20th at 6 PM. Additional information can be found here.
HCAI Reproductive Health Care Access Initiatives
The California Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI) is excited to announce that details on the Reproductive Health Care Access Initiatives are now available on their website. After the overturn of Roe v. Wade on June 24, 2022, California reaffirmed its status as a reproductive freedom state. In its 2022-23 budget, the State of California appropriated $120 million to the California Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI) to establish and administer five programs designed to support and expand abortion-related care and reproductive health services across the State. Reproductive Health Care funds are available through the HCAI loan repayment and scholarship programs listed on their site. Each program has a specific link where you can get more information and details on how to apply. Learn more about the Advanced Practice Scholarship Program and the Allied Health Scholarship Program. Applications will be accepted January 3 - February 24, 2023.
Project ACCESS Virtual Learning Collaborative
The Reproductive Health Access Project is excited to announce that RHAP and the Primary Care Development Corporation are launching a new program, the Project ACCESS (Abortion Care Clinical Expansion and Early pregnancy loss Support Series) Virtual Learning Collaborative, to help primary care sites integrate medication abortion and early pregnancy loss (EPL) care into practice! This flyer has more information about the program. Essentially, we are recruiting a cohort of primary care sites and will be bringing them together in monthly meetings to provide robust technical assistance and training, including working through implementation barriers to integrating medication management of EPL and medication abortion into practice. We’ll also support sites with one-on-one technical assistance and training as needed. Participating health centers will receive a stipend of $9,000. We’re hosting an Information Session on February 23rd at 10 AM PST. You can sign up here. If you have any questions about the program or if you can't attend the Information Session, please reach out to Silpa Srinivasulu at silpa@reproductiveaccess.org for more information.
ACNM Awards 2023 Nominations
The 2023 Awards nominations are now open! When writing the letter of recommendation, please be sure that letters are single-spaced and 2 pages maximum. Awardees will be recognized at the ACNM Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida, May 7 - 9, 2023. The nomination period ends on February 12, 2023. Please visit the Awards page for award details. If you have any questions regarding the awards process, please contact Awards Committee Chair, Jessica Brumley at brumleycnm@gmail.com.
Los Angeles Maternal Mental Health Access Program Opportunity
The University of Washington Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and the Community Clinic Association of Los Angeles County are leading a multiyear effort to implement the collaborative care model for maternal mental health in Los Angeles community clinics. Elevation Health Partners, Maternal Mental Health NOW, and Concert Health are collaborating partners. The effort, known as the Los Angeles Maternal Mental Health Access (LAMMHA) program, is designed to support health centers in Los Angeles to identify and treat common perinatal mental health disorders. Co-developed with community stakeholders, the LAMMHA program offers Los Angeles County providers and community clinics support to improve perinatal mental health care. Apply here.
Job Opportunities
To view previously listed educational opportunities, please visit our website at https://www.cnma.org/jobs.
Medi-Cal Rx
Sign up for the Medi-Cal Rx Subscription Service to be notified when new information is posted. Additional information is available below:
Drug Use Review (DUR): Additive Toxicity (AT) – System Issue Resolved
Updated: Appendix H – List of Physician Administered Drugs (PADs) with Reject Code 816
Updates to Over-the-Counter (OTC) COVID-19 Antigen Test Kits, Effective March 1, 2023
Improving the Quality of Care: Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis Infection
2022 Immunization Update: Mpox, HepB, Influenza, COVID-19, Pneumococcal, Zoster
Medical Supplies: How to Prepare for Retirement of the Transition Policy
Drug Use Review (DUR) Alert System Issue: Additive Toxicity (AT)
Medical Supplies: Updates to the List of Covered Disposable Insulin Delivery Devices
Now Active – Cal MediConnect Transition to Medicare Medi‑Cal Plans
Changes to the Contract Drugs List (CDL) – Authorized Drug Manufacturer Labeler Codes
Changes to the Contract Drugs List (CDL) – Over-the-Counter Drugs
Changes to the Pharmacy Reimbursable Physician Administered Drugs
Two-Week Countdown – Cal MediConnect Transition to Medicare Medi‑Cal Plans
Midwife Crush Mondays!
Do you know an amazing Midwife who is doing revolutionary work? We want to feature them on our social media platforms!
CNMA is looking for submissions for our new social media series “Midwife Crush Monday” where we highlight the stories of trailblazing midwives across the industry who are making a difference in the midwifery profession. You can even submit yourself!
Here’s what we’re looking for:
Midwife’s name (include pronouns)
Affiliated organization(s)
Why you became a midwife (and anything awesome you’d like to brag about)
Headshot/Photo if available
Bonus: Please include social media handles for tagging!
Please send submissions to sm@cnma.org for consideration!
Please visit our website here for more information!