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CNMA Newsletter - August 2024

Writer's picture: Brittany KendrickBrittany Kendrick

Updated: Aug 1, 2024


Message From The President

Dear Community,

There are so many things in this month’s newsletter that I’m excited to share with you. First of all, election season is here, and we’re officially putting out a call for nominations for board members. Read below and let us know if you’re interested in running to serve as Treasurer, Southern California Regional Representative, Representative of an Under-Represented Community, or Chair of the Reproductive Justice and Antiracism Committee.

Next, registration for this year’s Annual Meeting is live and we’re thrilled to share the full lineup of speakers. From eliminating racism-based disparities in maternity care to improving Medi-Cal coverage for midwives, This is What Midwifery Looks Like! Plus, we’ve got the workshops you’ve been asking for: Breech Without Borders (23.5 ACNM CEs) or our two part abortion training (4-8 ACNM CEs). We’ve even got a discounted block of hotel rooms – reserve yours now before they book up

And in honor of National Breastfeeding Month, I’m proud to highlight one of our speakers: Sarah Weinstein, MN, CNM, FACNM, IBCLC, PMH-C will be presenting on Updates in Breastfeeding and Lactation Care at the Annual Meeting. Not only will she share updates to our understanding of the physiology of lactation, but new research on the lactational mastitis spectrum and new evidence-based practices in workup and treatment of nipple pain and resolution of nipple wounds. 

Meanwhile, our Health Policy Team is working hard to save the UCSF Masters in Nurse-Midwifery program, all while ensuring that this year's legislative agenda is a success – as always! Midwifery never stops, and neither does our advocacy. That said, we couldn’t do any of this without support from our membership – if you’re not a member, please consider joining now! And remember: if you identify as BIPOC, be sure to use the coupon code CA2020 when you renew or join to waive the California Affiliate portion of your dues; we are 100% committed to re-diversifying the midwifery workforce in California.  

As always, I’m available by email at and by text at (805) 415-2553.

In the spirit of service and solidarity,

Paris Maloof-Bury, CNM, IBCLC

President, California Nurse-Midwives Association


CNMA 2024 Annual Meeting

We’re excited to announce that this year’s annual meeting will be held on November 9-10, 2024 at The Key Room in Novato, Marin County! Earn up to 16 CEs and there will DEFINITELY be a dance party this year! Save the date and get ready for fun. 

Day one’s speaker lineup is still underway, but topics will span pregnancy/birth, lactation, perinatal mood, and menopause,and include special updates on Midwifery Access California and the CMQCC’s Community Birth Partnership Initiative; 8 ACNM CEs. 

Day two’s workshops will include TWO options for day-long workshops:

  • Breech Without Borders Hybrid Workshop: from 8AM - 6 PM. 23.5 ACNM CEs. Register here!

  • Two Part Abortion Workshop: virtual 8 AM - 12 PM, 4 CEs; and hands-on 1 - 4 PM, 4 CEs. Total of 8 ACNM CEs available. Register for virtual training and hands-on training now!


Join the CNMA Board of Directors!

CNMA Board Members are actively shaping the reproductive health landscape in California, and making huge strides in access to midwifery for people in California. The Board of Directors meet virtually on the third Wednesday evening of every month. Eligible candidates must be active members of CNMA. If you’re interested in serving on the board, please contact Paris Maloof-Bury at We look forward to having you serve alongside us! 

Treasurer (11/2024-11/2027)

  • Attend monthly Board of Directors (BOD) meetings

  • Perform all duties commonly incident to and vested in the office of Treasurer of a corporation, as well as all duties delegated by the President, including, but not limited to the administration of the fiscal and financial policies of the Affiliate. 

  • Supervise the maintenance of accurate corporate books. 

  • Act as custodian of the funds of the Affiliate and as signatory to the Corporation’s bank account in order to issue the checks and drafts of the Corporation as directed by the BOD. 

  • Present itemized financial reports at each monthly meeting of the Affiliate. 

  • Maintain a list of members with ACNM and Affiliate dues currently paid. 

  • The Treasurer, in consultation with the President, is empowered to jointly approve expenditures under and up to a predetermined amount in accordance with the Standard Rules and Operating Procedures developed by the BOD. 

  • Working w/CPA re: filing taxes, reviewing books, etc.

  • Receiving funds for the annual mtg.

  • Treasurer is a voting member of the BOD.

  • 3 year term: 2 years as Treasurer, followed by one year as Immediate Past Treasurer (the “Immediate Past” role is non-voting). 

Southern California Representative (11/2024-11/2027)

  • Attend monthly Board of Directors (BOD) meetings 

  • Keep in touch with the regional chapters so the regional director knows what is going on.

  • Act as a voice for the members to the BOD. 

  • Establish two-way communication with regional chapter chairs and members to update them on affiliate issues, as well as bring issues, comments, needs and requests from regional members to the BOD. 

  • Take initiative regarding events in their region and develop relationships with the members of the region, including participation at local chapter meetings, when possible.

  • They are encouraged to be involved in fundraising efforts in their region. 

  • Take a leadership role in organizing in-district visits when it comes to grassroots advocacy/legislation.

  • Regional Reps are voting members of the BOD.

  • 3 year term : 2 years as Regional Rep, followed by one year as Immediate Past Regional Rep (the “Immediate Past” role is non-voting).

Representative from Under-Represented Group (11/2024-11/2027)

  • Attend monthly Board of Directors (BOD) meetings 

  • Ideally have a well developed understanding of the Reproductive Justice Framework

  • Be in community and connection with the members of the under-represented community/communities whose voice they are elevating. Bring awareness to the specific needs of these communities to the BOD and act as a voice for the members to the BOD 

  • Attend their local chapter meetings, when possible.

  • Take initiative to be involved in events in their region and to develop relationships with the members of the region.

  • Possibly be involved with fundraising to support CNMA aims

  • They are voting members of the BOD

  • 3 year term: 2 years as Representative from an under-represented group, followed by one year as Immediate Past Representative (the “Immediate Past” role is non-voting). 

Reproductive Justice and Antiracism Committee Chair (11/2024-11/2027)

  • Participate in monthly RJ/AR meetings

  • Attend monthly Board of Directors (BOD) meetings and advise the BOD on issues related to Reproductive Justice & Anti-Racism

  • Provide Quarterly communication with CNMA members regarding committee activity

  • Interface with American College of Nurse-Midwives and their current committees focusing on racial and reproductive justice issues. 

  • Coordinate collaboration with other professional groups on issues related to anti-racism and racism-based health disparities work 

  • RJ/AR Chair is a voting member of the BOD.

  • 3 year term: 2 years as RJAR committee chair, followed by one year as Immediate Past RJAR Committee Chair (the “Immediate Past” role is non-voting). 


Health Policy Updates

Go to to catch up on health policy initiatives and an update on CNMA’s advocacy to retain the master's degree program for nurse-midwifery at UCSF. Additionally, both of the bills CNMA is co-sponsoring have passed the Assembly and are currently in Senate committees! 

UCSF Closure of the Masters in Midwifery:

We are thrilled about the SF Chronicle’s front page coverage of the UCSF closure of the Midwifery masters program. Check out the article here. CNMA has met with leadership from the School of Nursing and our partners from the Future of Abortion Council to advocate for the importance of maintaining a Masters option for nurse-midwives. And we are grateful to the 54 sexual and reproductive health, rights and justice orgs who have signed on to our statement in support of maintaining a masters option for nurse-midwives. On July 22nd we held a Virtual Town Hall to provide an in-depth update and answer questions on where we are with our advocacy efforts regarding maintaining a masters option. Over 100 people attended. 

Midwifery Access California

CNMA is the convener of Midwifery Access California, a multi-year, multi-stakeholder initiative to improve midwife-led care in Medi-Cal. Want to learn more, or want to join? Go to

Midwifery Access California is also hosting a 2024 webinar series on the State of Midwifery in California, funded by the California Nurse-Midwives Foundation. Register for the 2nd webfinar in this series, scheduled for September 10th, titled Midwives in Medi-cal: CA efforts to improve access to midwife-led care in Medi-Cal. This webinar, in partnership with the National Health Law Program  will explore the work of Midwifery Access California to improve access for Medi-Cal beneficiaries. We will explore the landscape of midwives as Medi-Cal providers in California, the historical and present barriers that prevent or curtail midwives from filling access gaps, and the key strategies to support and sustain the midwifery model of care. Register at 

You can help midwifery advocacy efforts by subscribing to the MACa YouTube Channel at: and share this link in your networks! If you have questions, contact the CNMA Health Policy Chair and Vice Chair at or 

Holly Smith, CNM, co-lead of Midwifery Access California and CNMA Health Policy Committee Chair was featured on KQED Forum to talk about midwives filling the access gap in the midst of maternity ward closures in California. Check it out at the Date 


Education, Trainings, and Webinars


The Live Beyond Campaign: Raising Awareness to Help Californians Heal from ACEs

August 22 | 11 am-12:30 pm ET

1.5 nursing contact hours/CME

$59.95 members | $69.95 nonmembers

This webinar will be presented live and available on-demand at a later date.

August 22 | 3–5 pm ET

$69.95 members | $89.95 nonmembers

2 nursing contact hours/CME

This webinar will be presented live and available on-demand at a later date. 

AWHONN Perinatal Bereavement Community Chat

September 3 | 2 pm EST

Join us as we have a live chat to discuss strategies, share tips, and ask questions about perinatal bereavement challenges. We'll connect on ways to provide compassionate care and create memories for the families we serve. 

Pricing: Free. This is a member-only event.

AWHONN Advocacy Town Hall: The Nurse’s Role in Supporting Patients With Work Accommodations for Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Lactation, Under the New Pregnant Workers Fairness Act

September 4 | 1 pm EST

Learn about the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, passed in 2022 with AWHONN's support, which ensures nationwide accommodations for pregnancy, childbirth, and related medical conditions. This webinar will educate perinatal nurses on the new EEOC rule implementing the law and the rights it grants, including medical leave, rest breaks, and job modifications. Equip yourself to better advise and support your patients.

Pricing: Free. A recording will be sent out to all who register for the event.

AWHONN Read Between the Lines: Marked Variability: Is it the Same as Moderate?

September 11 | 1 pm EST

Join us for an in-depth exploration of "marked variability" in fetal heart rate, its evolving definitions, and interpretations. Recent evidence suggests that increased fetal heart rate variability should be distinguished from moderate variability as it may indicate early-stage intrapartum hypoxemia, posing a risk for fetal acidemia and neonatal complications. Discover best practices for managing this rare but critical condition. What you’ll learn:

Understand the pathophysiology of marked variability and its link to fetal hypoxia, cord blood acidemia, and neonatal complications

Learn nursing management strategies for patients exhibiting marked variability

Pricing: $25 members | $39 nonmembers

1.5 nursing contact hours

A recording will be sent out to all who register for the event. This webinar will be presented live and available on-demand at a later date.

Breech Without Borders Trainings

Ann Arbor, MI, September 14 & 15 with Kristine Lauria, (Breech Training + Master Class)

Grand Rapids, MI, September 17 & 18 with Kristine Lauria: (Breech Training + Master Class)

Traverse City, MI, September 21 & 22 with Kristine Lauria: (Breech Training + Master Class)

Willard, WI (Central WI), Sep 21 with Dr. Hayes:

See more information here

ACNM: Advancing Breastfeeding Support and Skills for Midwives

A Webinar Series presented by midwife experts in breastfeeding and lactation medicine from across the country geared towards diving deep into topics that impact midwives, clinicians, and their lactating clients

August 28, 2024, 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm ET

October 30, 2024, 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm ET

December 18, 2024, 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm ET

IUI for Midwives - Fall 2024

IUI for midwives is designed for all types of midwives, OB/GYNs, family doctors, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants who want to help LGBTQ+ and solo parents grow their families through unmedicated Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) in a home or office setting. This course is geared, in particular, towards small midwifery practices.

IUI for Midwives will teach participants everything they need to know to provide LGBTQ centered fertility care outside of a reproductive endocrinology clinic, from patient education, how to perform IUI, sperm washing, and ways to integrate this service into your clinical practice.

All of the classes will be recorded and available for 9 months after the class. You do not need to attend any sessions live in order to participate in this class, or to earn CEUs. Additionally, Ray will be offering two open zoom sessions (dates TBA) to answer questions from class participants as they embark on adding IUI services to their practice.

Full refunds are available, as long as your refund is requested prior to the first class date.

The Faucett Review: an AMCB Certification Exam

Over the course of five hours, participants will review pertinent content and test-taking strategies to prepare for the AMCB Certification exam for Certified Nurse-Midwives and Certified Midwives. Participants will learn innovative test-taking tips to help them tackle the exam and gain confidence in approaching standardized exam questions. The Faucett Review method involves four components: Content, Discipline, Realism, and Strategy. Participants will need to watch the 3 and a half hours of video content prior to attending the live webinar.

Reproductive Health Access Project and Advocates for Youth

While some colleges and universities are beginning to provide students access to medication abortion due to legislation, others are exploring the opportunity in response to student needs or decreased access to care in their communities. Some question whether medication abortion falls within the scope of college health clinicians, while others wonder if it's worth the perceived effort that implementing this type of care can sometimes take. 

Join the Reproductive Health Access Project and Advocates Youth for a panel discussion on August 21st at 12PM PST/2PM CT/3PM ET, convening student organizers, college health providers and staff, and administrative experts to share their knowledge and experiences with bringing medication abortion care to their campuses. We will discuss the importance and need for providing timely access to medication abortion on college campuses in states without abortion restrictions, address common misconceptions about abortion, understand the challenges and facilitators to providing abortion on college campuses, and identify resources, supports, and strategies for overcoming these barriers and ensuring successful implementation.

Maternal Mortality Conference 

September 19, 2024 | In Person + Virtual Options

About This Event

 Reducing Maternal Mortality: Strategies That Work!  Conference

Description: Reducing maternal mortality is a crucial public health goal, and Frontier Nursing University and the Campion Fund are hosting a research conference to address this pressing issue.The conference's focus on identifying and describing programs and practices that have successfully reduced maternal mortality rates is essential for improving maternal health in the United States.

The conference will take place virtually on Zoom. We currently have unlimited space available for virtual participants. 

Virtual Attendee: $49  

Virtual Student Attendee: FREE

Any current student attending a higher education institution may attend this conference at no cost.

For questions or inquiries please contact

Black Maternal Health Conference 

September 12-14, 2024 | Atlanta, GA 

The BMHC24 theme is “Our Bodies STILL Belong to Us: Reproductive Justice NOW!”

This theme will be showcased through the content offered during the conference with topics focused on addressing systemic inequities in Black maternal health and amplifying the work, studies, policies, research, and initiatives happening in communities and across health systems that are working towards equitable change. 

This year’s conference will be hybrid (virtual and in-person) and will offer a global space for learning, rich discussions, and mobilization to transform Black Maternal Health, rights, and justice

AWHONN Perinatal Education XChange Program: Advancing Care Abroad Through Shared Experiences

In advancing our mission to empower and support nurses caring for women, newborns, and their families, AWHONN is excited to launch the Perinatal Education XChange (PEX) Program. These immersive programs provide unique opportunities to engage with diverse cultures and foster a deepened appreciation and sensitivity to cross-cultural care, enhancing the quality of overall care provided to patients.

In partnership with International Service Learning (ISL) and MEDICC, we aim to connect nurses with communities worldwide, cultivating a stronger connection to global citizenship and making a meaningful impact on an international scale.

Upcoming Trips


Panama (Itinerary)

Dates: September 23-29, 2024

Cost: $1,795 USD

About: Volunteers will participate in public health surveying and clinical activities, including interviewing patients, taking vitals, basic triage, and assisting with the examination, diagnosis, and treatment process. Nursing continuing education credits are available for this program. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Cuba (Sample Itinerary)  

Dates: November 17-23, 2024

Cost: $3,800-4,100 USD single occupancy/$3,300-3,600 USD double occupancy

About: Learn about the Cuban experience in this field, as well as its main achievements, challenges, and lessons learned implementing the prioritized National Maternal and Child Health Program among efforts to guarantee equitable access to health services. Converse with obstetrics and gynecology specialists in medicine and nursing about professional experiences and lessons learned.

APEX Travel Scholarships

Thanks to the generous support of Every Woman, Every Baby, we’re able to offer two $1,000 scholarships to increase the accessibility of our trips to everyone. To be eligible, you must be an active AWHONN member in good standing. The deadline to apply is June 11, 2024. Apply now.


Have Questions?

Find answers in our Frequently Asked Questions or reach out with any inquiries about PEX programs today. 

Ultrasound for Women’s Health Providers

October 17-20 | The Midwife Center for Birth & Women's Health 

Address: 2831 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Elevate your expertise in women's health with our Two-Day Hands-On Ultrasound Course, tailored specifically for women’s health providers. The course begins with an essential online component, focusing on the basics of Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS). This includes understanding the physics of ultrasound, which is vital for practical application during the hands-on segment. The online course is self-paced, can be returned to many times for review or clarification. It is the students’ course for a lifetime, including updates as they are made. You will need to complete the online portion before the event.

Then, join us at our hands-on scanning event, led by nationally certified sonographers and highly skilled faculty who are also midwives, nurse practitioners and obstetric certified nurses. The training provides a thorough breakdown of gynecological and obstetric ultrasound techniques. In gynecology, you will learn about the recognition of normal female anatomy, identification of common pelvic masses, and correct placement of IUDs.

The obstetric portion of our course covers a wide range of crucial skills. In the first trimester, it includes assessments of normal pregnancy development, gestational age determination, and the identification of complications such as ectopic pregnancies and failed pregnancies. The second and third trimesters focus on detailed fetal biometry, including assessments of fetal growth patterns and positions. You will also learn to perform and interpret Biophysical Profiles (BPP) to evaluate fetal well-being.

Our course goes beyond clinical skills, teaching participants how to master the controls (knobology) of ultrasound machines to optimize image quality and ensure effective diagnoses. Additionally, the course covers professional practice elements such as ultrasound billing and documentation.

With group sizes limited to four participants, our course ensures personalized instruction and extensive practical experience. This setting enhances learning outcomes and prepares you to confidently integrate ultrasound into your clinical practice. Join us to gain invaluable hands-on experience and become proficient in ultrasound examinations.

Perinatal Mood Disorders: Components of Care & Advanced Trainings

PSI has developed an internationally recognized unique evidence-based training program for health providers and social support networks. We have created an expert corps of experienced trainers and are committed to providing you with the most current research.

The 2-day PSI Certificate of Completion Course, taught by experienced and engaging faculty, is a thorough and evidence-based curriculum designed for nurses, physicians, social workers, mental health providers, childbirth professionals, social support providers, or anyone interested in learning skills and knowledge for assessment and treatment of perinatal mood disorders. Registration includes training binder, handouts, and continuing education credits. Approved for CMEs, CNEs, and CEs.

Contact Us:


Sep. 25-26

Nov. 13-14

Leading a Midwifery Practice: How and Why

For midwifery practice leaders (and aspiring leaders). Explores components of leadership, financial management, strategic planning, staffing, quality management, and performance evaluation. Participants will receive a workbook that includes all workshop slides, example forms for processes discussed, and worksheets to outline their own next steps and action plans.

This is an 8-hour workshop split between two days (Sunday and Monday). This course will provide opportunities to engage an in-depth exploration of what maintaining a midwifery practice entails.


On-Demand Webinars and Other Resources 

Mount St. Mary’s University, Los Angeles: Equity, Diversity and Justice 

HealYourLovePeriod - Black pregnant mother healing circle: Free for Black pregnant and postpartum mothers who are 18 years old or older and live in California (registration is required).

The format of the healing circle includes 20-25 min live mindfulness and 20-25 min social support on Tuesday (7pm-8pm).

Mount St. Mary’s University, Los Angeles: Equity, Diversity and Justice 

UCI Healthy Sleep flyer: Mothers who meet criteria (e.g., pregnancy with singleton, less than 20 gestational weeks) will be eligible to participate in this project.

The goal of the project is to prevent gestational hypertension through enhanced sleep and increased awareness of cardiovascular health among Black pregnant mothers.

Each participant will receive a free Ormon BP cuff/digital scale and Oura ring with a compensation up to $200 gift card. 

Read Between the Lines-Physiologic Logic: Eval. & Mgmt. of Uterine Activity

The relationship between uterine activity and fetal acid-base and uterine muscle acid-base are explored in this on-demand discussion led by Lisa A. Miller, CNM, JD.

1.5 nursing contact hours (CNE available through 10/10/2026)

Pricing: $25 members | $39 nonmembers

Conversations on Caring in Reproductive Health Nursing: Beyond Bars

This on-demand presentation sheds light on the crucial topic of reproductive and maternal care for individuals who are currently or have been incarcerated. This thought-provoking session explores the unique challenges this often-forgotten population faces as they try to access respectful and comprehensive health care services. With a focus on promoting equity and justice, we delve into discussions about these challenges and the barriers and discrimination these individuals may encounter when seeking care.   

1.0 nursing contact hours (NCPD activity available through 11/14/2026)

Pricing: Free for members | $50 nonmembers

Search for additional on-demand webinars on the AWHONN Store.

California Health Care Foundation: Is AI Good for Health Equity? California Leaders Weigh In

Artificial intelligence (AI) stands on the brink of reshaping health care delivery, potentially leveling the playing field for under-resourced populations, according to experts at a recent California Health Care Foundation briefing in Sacramento. AI's potential to revolutionize diagnosis, treatment, and administrative processes could significantly alleviate burdens on providers and improve patient care. 

California Health and Human Services Secretary Mark Ghaly, MD, MPH, emphasized collaboration and innovation to ensure that AI serves as a tool for improving health outcomes across the board, especially within the safety net. 

The briefing underscored the importance of building trust in AI technologies among health care workers and communities, ensuring technologies augment rather than replace human capabilities, and focusing on enhancing patient-provider relationships

TEACH Abortion Training Curriculum

CME/CEU credit is now available for the TEACH Abortion Training Curriculum! Please share with your networks that the curriculum is ready for existing providers, learners, and educators with the following updates:

  • Up to 3 CME / CEU credit hours per chapter for each of 12 chapters (9 foundational, 3 advanced)

  • Updates to U.S. law and policy 

  • New Considerations for Advanced Practice Clinician (APC) Providers with map of 20 states where APCs can provide aspiration abortion (Chapter 9)

TEACH is now coordinating with various APC training programs and NAF to ensure the curriculum meets the needs of programs and various state initiatives

We anticipate undertaking the 8th edition of the curriculum for release in June 2025. Please join TEACH’s mailing list to receive updates on the newest edition!

Education for Sucess’s Comprehensive Midwifery Point of Care Ultrasound Online Course!

Are you a midwife eager to elevate your clinical skills and provide even better care to your patients? Look no further than our Comprehensive Midwifery Point-of-Care Ultrasound Online Course! This cutting-edge program is designed to empower midwives with the knowledge and expertise needed to integrate ultrasound technology seamlessly into their practice, right from the comfort of their own home or clinic.

Why Choose Our Course?

  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Our course covers everything from obstetrics to gynecology and primary care, ensuring you're equipped to handle a wide range of clinical scenarios.

  • Expert Instruction: Learn from experienced faculty who are leaders in the field of midwifery and ultrasound, providing you with invaluable insights and guidance.

  • Flexible Learning: Access our self-paced online modules anytime, anywhere, allowing you to learn at your own pace and fit your studies around your busy schedule.

  • Hands-On Training: Benefit from practical demonstrations, case studies, and interactive exercises that reinforce key concepts and skills.

  • Ongoing Support: Get access to a supportive learning community, live webinars, and virtual workshops, where you can connect with peers and faculty for additional guidance and collaboration.

  • Certification: Upon successful completion of the course, receive a certificate of completion, demonstrating your proficiency in midwifery point-of-care ultrasound.

  • 20 hours of ACNM CEUS available.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your midwifery practice to the next level! Enroll in our Comprehensive Midwifery Point-of-Care Ultrasound Online Course today and become a leader in women's healthcare. Your patients deserve the best – and with our course, you'll be equipped to deliver it.

Join us on the journey to excellence in midwifery care. Enroll now!

Reproductive Health Access Project Resources 


Scholarships and Fellowships

Announcement from the A.C.N.M Foundation: Upcoming Scholarships and Awards Opportunities

The A.C.N.M. Foundation announces the availability of applications/nominations for four distinguished scholarships and awards. All designed to support and empower aspiring individuals in their educational or midwifery journeys.

Mark your calendars for these upcoming opportunities, which will be available on July 1 at: For questions, please contact:

Dorothea M. Lang Pioneer Award for midwives with 20+ years experience who embody visionary leadership in midwifery.

Posting Date: July 01, 2024

Nomination Deadline: August 16, 2024

Texas Midwifery Creation Scholarship for midwifery students intending to practice in Texas.

Posting Date: July 01, 2024

Application Deadline: September 08, 2024

Carrington-Hsia-Nieves Doctoral Scholarship for midwives of color pursuing doctoral education.

Posting Date: July 01, 2024

Application Deadline: September 08, 2024

Elizabeth Bear Education Leadership Fellowship for midwives pursuing future academic leadership roles.

Posting Date: July 01, 2024

Application Deadline: September 08, 2024

For more information about the A.C.N.M. Foundation opportunities and to show support with a charitable donation, visit us at:

AABC Birth Center Membership Support Grant 

Rolling Deadlines: September 1, 2024 | November 1, 2024 | January 1, 2025

Birth Center Membership Support Grants assist birth center applicants with up to 50% of membership fees due the American Association of Birth Centers (AABC) for (1) birth centers that are applying for membership for the first time and (2) birth centers that are due for membership renewal but experiencing a fiscal crisis. The AABCF has the exclusive authority to determine all grant guidelines, criteria, timelines and awards; and will monitor all grants.

AABC Changemakers Accreditation Grant

Rolling Deadlines: September 1, 2024 | November 1, 2024 | January 1, 2025

The Changemaker Accreditation Grant was established in honor of the founders of the birth center movement and the current and future changemakers who propel the movement forward. The grant is designed to pay up to 100% of the initial accreditation fee or an accredited birth center’s annual fees due to the Commission for the Accreditation of Birth Centers (CABC). The AABCF has the exclusive authority to determine all grant guidelines, criteria, timelines and awards, and will monitor all grants.


Volunteers Needed!! 

COCOON Study Volunteers

The California Nurse-Midwives Association (CNMA) would like to learn more about barriers and facilitators to precepting midwifery students in CA!

Volunteers needed! 

  • Are you a midwife who has a history of, or are currently, precepting midwife students, or a midwife administrator or lead midwife? 

  • Are you a midwife who has never precepted? 

The California Nurse-Midwives Association (CNMA) would like your help to better understand the barriers and facilitators for midwifery preceptors in the state of California.

Online interviews would last 60-90 minutes and will be confidential.

In appreciation for your time and wisdom, we will be providing participants $75 compensation after completion of the interview.  

You must be based in California to participate, the study is active from 1/2024 to 12/2024. 

There is a small possibility researchers may reach out with follow-up questions, lasting no longer than 15-20 minutes.

Feel free to share this call for research participants with your midwife friends and colleagues! If you have any questions, please contact Anya Rapaport (, Wallis Adams (, and/or Amara Miller (

CNMA is seeking a New Volunteer 

Are you passionate about improving reproductive health care in California? Do you thrive on building connections and fostering collaboration? We have an exciting opportunity for you to step into a vital role as the California Nurse-Midwife Association liaison to the California Coalition for Reproductive Freedom (CCRF)!

You will be partnered with an experienced CNMA health policy team member to help you grow into the role, so if you're an experienced midwife with a background in policy or someone eager to grow into the role we would love to hear from you! 

Join us and get the inside scoop into how California Reproductive Health Policy is developed in California and help amplify the voice of midwives and the people we serve at that CCRF table and beyond! 

Interested? Send a note sharing why you are interested in the role to and we will set up a time to chat. 

About the organizations:

California Nurse-Midwife Association is the professional organization representing California’s Nurse Midwives and the people and communities that we serve. CNMA works towards an equitable California where all people have access to safe, evidence-based, trauma-informed reproductive healthcare through the advancement of the midwifery profession.

California Coalition for Reproductive Freedom (CCRF) is a statewide coalition of more than 40 organizations working to promote sexual and reproductive health, rights and justice. CCRF supports and facilitates member-driven initiatives including strategic communication, collaboration and collective policy advocacy to benefit California’s diverse communities that include genderqueer and non-binary people, cisgender and transgender women, and transgender men

About the team:

You will work closely with and be mentored and supported by CNMA Health Policy Chair & Vice Chair: Holly Smith and Liz Donnelly  

Holly & Liz have been the CCRF liaisons together since 2015. One of them will be in attendance at meetings with you to help you get up to speed and make connections. They will also provide regular support between meetings. 


  1. Experience working as a CNM (any practice setting, for any length of time!)

  2. Commitment to reproductive health rights and justice, including full throated support for abortion as an integral component to reproductive health care. 

  3. Understanding and commitment to the reproductive justice framework 

  4. Interest in health policy. Previous health policy experience is a bonus, but not required! 


  1. Meetings: 

  • Attend quarterly meetings with the California Coalition for Reproductive Freedom (CCRF). These meetings are usually ~4hrs virtual or 8hrs in person (we have not yet gone back to in person since covid). Meetings are held throughout the state and there is funding to support your transportation to/from in-person meetings. Your role at the meetings it to represent CNMA, the midwifery profession and the people we serve. Help CNMA to network & make connections with the organizations within CCRF support midwifery expansion and policies that improve care for the people and communities we serve. (2024 Dates: 2/22/24, 4/18/24, 6/27/24, 9/19/24, 11/21/24)

  • Attend CNMA quarterly health policy meetings: Report out to CNMA team on topics and issues coming up within CCRF. Keep abreast of CNMA policy priorities to help represent those within CCRF. (2024 Dates: 1/23/24; 4/23/24; 6/23/24; 10/23/24)

  • Optionally: If you are interested in more in depth insight you are welcome at our weekly policy meetings with the CNMA lobbyist. 

  1. Communication:

  • Monitor CCRF listserve to support timely engagement with partner organizations

To Apply: 

  • Send a note sharing why you are interested in the role to and set up a time to chat. 

ACNM Call for Members

Call for Bylaws Committee Members

The Bylaws Committee is seeking new members. If interested, please contact Alexandra Michel.

Call for Committee Members: Finance and Audit Committee - Audit Subcommittee

The Finance and Audit Committee is seeking members for the Audit Subcommittee. If you are interested please send your CV and a brief letter of interest to

Call for Division of Research Chair

The Division of Research is seeking a new Chair. If you are interested, please send your CV and a brief letter of interest to

Call for Workforce Committee Chair

The Workforce Committee is seeking a new Chair to Foster data collection and support state and national policy dialogue on the CNM/CM workforce 

If you are interested, please send your CV and a brief letter of interest to


Call for Racism and Midwifery Education Committee Members

The Racism and Midwifery Education Committee is seeking new committee members. The goal of this committee is to provide guidance and resources to address racism within midwifery education to address the recommendations from the Access to Equity in Midwifery Education Report. These recommendations are based on a collaboration with DOME to:


•Enhance the capacity of midwives of color who are interested in working in academia.

•Financially compensate clinical sites and preceptors.

•Reestablish ACNM mentorship programs to connect student midwives with common interests and career trajectories.

•Develop equity in midwifery education report card for midwifery education programs.

•Create a cross-institutional support program to provide safe space for students and help them gain leadership skills.


If you are interested, please submit your CV and a brief letter of interest to or

California Clinician Focus Groups 


Part Time or Per Diem Certified Nurse Midwife: Los Gatos El Camino Health

Looking for Per Diem CNM for full scope Midwifery Practice. 

Bay Area Maternity of El Camino

Health is seeking a part time per diem provider to take approximately 1 clinic day and 48 hours

of call per month. 

Needs of the practice may change over time and could become a permanent


Join our group of 4 nurse midwives in our independent practice in Los Gatos.

Supportive team with 24 hour OB Hospitalist back up. Experience preferred. 

Please contact

Kavita Noble CNM or Amanda Apardian VP of Physician relations

Full Time Certified Nurse Midwife: Scripps La Jolla, San Diego and Surrounding Area

This is a NEW  FT position, 12-hour nights with some clinic days. We seek someone with at least 2-3 years of full-scope practice, including inpatient acute care experience. 

If interested, please email your resume to

More information for position at Scripps La Jolla

On Call/ Short Hour CNM (Per Diem): Kaiser Permanente, Oakland, CA 

Kaiser Permanente in Oakland California is hiring.

Looking for CNM with at least a preferred two years of experience and teaching experience preferred. 

Reach out to if interested

Full Time CNM: South Coast Midwifery, Orange County, CA 

South Coast Midwifery Boutique Birth Center is a very supportive group of Midwives looking for another to join the group. Full time, part time and per diem position is available. Compensation is commensurate with experience and licensure. 


- every other weekend, 48-hour call (or similar)

- 2 clinic/24 hr call shifts per week 

- 1, 24 hour call shift every other week (clinic as needed)


- Paid Time Off

- Group health and dental benefits 

- CEU allowance 

- Eligible for company retirement program

- Group malpractice coverage

- Employee discounts 

- Annual salary + bonuses 

- Please Email Lorri Walker at or 949 654-2727

- Check out our Website at

Part Time CNM: South Coast Midwifery, Orange County, CA 

South Coast Midwifery Boutique Birth Center is a very supportive group of Midwives looking for another to join the group. Full time, part time and per diem position is available. Compensation is commensurate with experience and licensure.


- every other weekend, 48-hour call (or similar) 

- 1 clinic/24 hr call shift per week (option for 2 available)

- 1, 12 hour call shift per week 


- Paid Sick Leave

- Group malpractice coverage

- Employee discounts 

- Annual salary or per shift compensation 

- May maintain outside employment if desired 

- Please Email Lorri Walker at or 949 654-2727

- Check out our Website at

2025 Advocacy Institute Fellowship

Join ANA / California's 4th annual flagship advocacy program to immerse yourself in public policy and nursing advocacy campaigns.

About the Advocacy Institute Fellowship:

ANA\California's Advocacy Institute Fellowship is designed to help nurses develop the skills and knowledge necessary to engage in advocacy initiatives affecting California legislation, regulations, and policies.

During their one-year commitment, Fellows will leverage ANA\California's network of coalitions, partners, media, and political contacts to engage new opportunities for creating sustainable change in nursing.

Advocacy Institute Fellows are ANA\California members with a demonstrated passion for policy development and advocacy, specifically focusing on advancing the nursing profession through legislation, regulation, and policy.

The 2025 Fellowship Campaigns include:

-Racism in Nursing

-LGBTQIA+ Equity in Nursing

-Nurses in Media

-A.I. in Nursing (New!)

-Veterans Health (New!)


  • Minimum of 2 years continuous membership with ANA\California.

  • Minimum Baccalaureate level degree in nursing.

  • Willing and able to commit to (8) hours per month.

  • Willing and able to pay the Fellowship Program Fee of $499.


  • Adhere to all deliverable deadlines and timelines outlined in the program

  • Maintain consistent attendance at required meetings, networking events, and advocacy activities

  • Respond to communications from program coordinators in a timely manner

  • Schedule and attend a meeting with your designated district legislator, and participate in at least one related legislative event

  • Attend a California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) meeting during the program term

  • Participate in the ANA\California Appreciation Luncheon event

  • Attend the ANA\California Annual General Assembly and Business Meeting

  • Complete the ANA\California Media and Advocacy Training Workshops


Note: This twelve-month, unpaid, non-residential Fellowship starts September 2024.



SisterSong Membership

Every month, SisterSong memberships will be discounted for a different group. This month (June), we are offering discounted memberships for all LGBTQ+ folks, or organizations that focus on supporting LGBTQ+ communities. Happy Pride Month!

ACNM Task Force on Financial Transparency 

As a result of a motion at the annual business meeting in May, the ACNM Board of Directors is establishing a Task Force on Financial Transparency. The Task Force will: define financial transparency for the organization; review the financial information that is currently available to members and how this information publicized; determine what additional information is desired by members, and the frequency and methods of dissemination; and make recommendations to the Board to improve processes in financial transparency. Findings of the Task Force will be available to all members.

The Task Force will be facilitated by the ACNM treasurer, Susan DeJoy, and will consist of 12 members: 2 ACNM Board members, one ACNM staff member, 2 affiliate leaders, and 7 ACNM active members. The Task Force will meet monthly via zoom for approximately six months.

Affiliate leaders who wish to join the task force should submit a statement of interest to by July 30. Questions should be directed to


Midwifery in the News 

California Health Care Foundation Maternity Care News 

We’re delighted to share a new Q&A series on The CHCF Blog featuring the voices of Black maternity care workers. Catch up on our interviews with midwife Angela Sojobi, PhD, DNP, CNM and full-spectrum doula Sayida Peprah-Wilson, who is also a licensed clinical psychologist.

We’ll be back in your inboxes later this month to share more top reads related to Black birth equity and maternal mental health. In the meantime, here are some highlights of CHCF’s current work and the upcoming events and opportunities we’re excited about.

Best, Amelia Cobb and Stephanie Teleki, coleads of CHCF’s maternity care investments


Medi-Cal Rx

Sign up for the Medi-Cal Rx Subscription Service to be notified when new information is posted!

See additional bulletins and news updates below:


ACNM Wants to Listen to YOU - CEO Conversations

Wednesdays | 4:00 PM ET 

Michelle Munroe, our CEO, is hosting weekly online meetings with members to listen and discuss ideas and concerns. Each week, 10 people can register for CEO Conversations. Please email


Midwife Crush Mondays!

Do you know an amazing Midwife who is doing revolutionary work? We want to feature them on our social media platforms! 

CNMA is looking for submissions for our new social media series “Midwife Crush Monday” where we highlight the stories of trailblazing midwives across the industry who are making a difference in the midwifery profession. You can even submit yourself!

Here’s what we’re looking for: 

  • Midwife’s name (include pronouns)

  • Affiliated organization(s) 

  • Why you became a midwife (and anything awesome you’d like to brag about)

  • Headshot/Photo if available

  • Bonus: Please include social media handles for tagging!

Please send submissions to for consideration! 

You're receiving this e-mail because you are a current or former member of the ACNM/CNMA or because you signed up from the CNMA website.




Copyright © CNMA 2024. 746 Washington Blvd, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292. All rights reserved.



The California Nurse Midwife Association (CNMA) is the professional organization representing Certified Nurse-Midwives and Certified Midwives in the state of California.


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