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California Nurse-Midwives Association May 2021: Newsletter




Message from the President: Maternal Mental Health Month

May is Maternal Mental Health Month, and May 3-7, 2021 is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week. This particular “awareness” month is particularly meaningful to me, as I, like so many others, am a survivor of postpartum depression and I live with chronic anxiety. Given that 15-20% of all women and birthing people in California will experience a perinatal mood or anxiety disorder (PMAD), and that PMADs are the most common complication of childbirth, I’d bet money that many of you who are reading this right now have had similar experiences.

We as midwives aren’t immune from any of the complications of childbearing, nor for that matter do we get a free pass from any of the trials of this human life. I would argue, rather, that as midwives we are called upon to embrace our own vulnerability and to use our lived experiences as a catalyst for connection, engagement, empathy, and a whole hearted relationship with those we care for when we are being with woman. I’d argue further that being “with woman” in this whole hearted relationship is completely incompatible with the traditional medical hierarchy that places the provider in a position of unaffected detachment and above the patient. As we strive for deep connections with ourselves, our loved ones, our communities, our patients, and each other, I’d like to invite you to to examine your own fallibility with grace and radical self love; and then extend that to everyone in your circle. It is only through this self-examination and acceptance that we can be both humble and powerful enough to reimagine ourselves, our systems, and our policies. This radical self love, this vulnerability, this power is essential to giving birth to all we imagine.

As James Baldwin said, “You think your pain and your heartbreak are unprecedented in the history of the world, but... the things that tormented me most were the very things that connected me with all the people who were alive, who had ever been alive.” This month, I urge you to dive into your truth and your vulnerability. Share your story through the Blue Dot Project, and by doing so, empower others to see themselves and their power in you. Join your siblings this June as we Climb Out of the Darkness and Make Over Motherhood together.

In power and vulnerability,

Paris Maloof-Bury, CNM, IBCLC

President, California Nurse-Midwives Association


California Health Policy

Virtual Advocacy Day May 20th: REGISTRATION CLOSES SOON! Register NOW!

Every year, CNMA meets with state representatives to discuss pressing issues and active legislation with the goal of promoting midwifery and maternal health care in the state. This year, on May 20th, ADVOCACY DAY is virtual! This is your chance to urge legislators to pass SB 65, the "Momnibus" bill, which will – among other things – increase funding to midwifery education programs. Like lobby days of the past, we will assign you to a group of midwives with the same Senator and/or Assembly Member, and we will arrange for a short session with these legislators (but this year via Zoom!). Since the time of your visit will not be known until shortly before Advocacy Day, please keep your schedule clear for May 20th, just like you would for an in-person event. No one will be turned away for lack of funds, but we have included suggested donations for your Advocacy Day ticket. Don't miss out on an important opportunity to be a part of this historic bill! Register here.

SB 65 (Skinner) - California’s Momnibus!

Thanks to YOUR support and calls, SB 65 Momnibus Bill Lives!! For a joint statement on this from SB 65 co-sponsors, click here. On Tuesday, April 20, SB 65 was held by Senator Hurtado, the State Senate’s Human Services Chair. This was an unprecedented and shocking move on her part. You can find more info on her decision to do this in the Fresno Bee and the Sacramento Bee. SB 65 had no registered opposition and was heralded by many as an important step toward birth justice, and had just made it through the Senate Health Committee with unanimous bipartisan support (including Senator Hurtado’s!). Luckily, because of your calls and action, Senate Pro Tem Atkins and other Senators made sure the bill was referred back to the Senate Rules Committee. On April 28, the Senate Rules Committee decided to send the bill directly to the Senate Appropriations Committee. This means the bill is very much alive and will be heard in May! Check here frequently for updates on the bill and what you can do next! Be sure to follow CNMA on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for more on how you can uplift this bill on social media. Organizations can find a letter of support template here, and individuals can find one here, to send to the Senate Appropriations Committee.

Sterilization Compensation Bill (AB 1007)/ Belly of the Beast Film

CNMA supports AB 1007 which would provide reparations for survivors of forced and involuntary sterilizations in California. Join reproductive justice advocates on May 4th for a community screening of the film Belly of the Beast, a documentary film that exposes the involuntary & illegal sterilization of women in California prisons. About the film: When an unlikely duo discovers a pattern of illegal sterilizations in women’s prisons, they wage a near impossible battle against the Department of Corrections. Filmed over seven years with extraordinary access and intimate accounts from currently and formerly incarcerated people, Belly of the Beast exposes modern-day eugenics and reproductive injustice in California prisons. Register here.

Healthy Futures for Foster Youth (AB 366)

CNMA supports AB 366. This bill will improve sexual health outcomes for California’s foster youth and non-minor dependents. It improves upon existing laws by extending the infant supplement payments to expectant foster youth three months before the expected birth of the child and ensures foster youth have access to comprehensive sexual health education, rights, and services, and creates transparency through additional data reporting. To learn more, register for the AB 366 Baby Shower Briefing on May 5th.


ACNM Annual Meeting

ACNM 66th Annual Meeting: Dismantling Racism in Midwifery

This year’s annual meeting’s theme is Dismantling Racism in Midwifery: Acknowledging the past and building a better future. This year’s meeting will feature such notable speakers as Shafia Monroe, Andrea Freeman, and Angela Davis. Registration for the virtual 2021 Annual Meeting includes access to education sessions, posters, the Exhibit Hall, networking events, the bookstore, and the six key live events: Opening Keynote Address with Fellowship Induction, Plenary Address, Dondero Lecture, ACNM Business Meeting, Awards Ceremony, and Closing Plenary Session. Attendees can access on-demand education in the virtual event platform during the meeting (May 23 – 25, 2021) and for 30 days after. For more information or to register, click here.

California Affiliate Meeting

The California Affiliate Meeting will take place June 2, 2021 from 12-2 PM PST. More information will be coming soon!

Submit a motion for the 2021 ACNM Business Meeting

The 2021 ACNM Business Meeting will take place at the virtual 66th Annual Meeting & Exhibition on Sunday, May 23, 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM. You must be registered for the Annual Meeting to attend. Members wishing to bring motions to the annual business meeting should complete the motion form by May 14th. Motions may be presented to ACNM membership for wider feedback before the official debate process takes place at the business meeting. In addition, each year we take a few moments during the business meeting to honor ACNM members, colleagues, and friends who have passed away during the preceding year. If there is anyone you'd like to be included in the 2021 In Memoriam, please submit their name, photo, and bio or obituary to by May 3rd, 2021


Education, Trainings, and Webinars

Implementing SB 1237: Integrating Certified Nurse Midwives

The California Primary Care Association is hosting a webinar on May 6 from 1-2:30 PM to educate clinics and healthcare systems on how to integrate nurse-midwives and implement SB 1237, the Justice and Equity in Maternity Care Act. We urge all midwives and midwifery supporters to share this event and invite care team leadership members to attend. This session will highlight an example of what midwives have to offer at the clinic level: Eisner Health, a Federally Qualified Health Center in Los Angeles where midwives and perinatologists provide team-based care and improve outcomes, all while saving money. Learn more and register here.


  • What is a certified nurse-midwife?

  • Current state of maternity care in California

  • What SB 1237 does and what compliance means

  • Steps clinics can take to integrate midwives, improve outcomes, and save money

  • Midwifery as a strategy toward health equity


To register for any CPCA event, you must first be logged in to your account. If you do not have an account, you can create one. Please email for additional support.

Please share this EXCELLENT outreach opportunity with clinic systems near and far!

Virtual International Day of the Midwife

Virtual International Day of the Midwife (VIDM) is a free, non-profit, 24-hour online conference held annually on (or close to) the International Day of the Midwife. Register now for this year’s free conference, which will be held on May 4, 2021. VIDM is committed to global midwifery education, and this year’s theme is Birth Equity for All. Check out the VIDM YouTube channel for free video resources anytime.

ACNM: Hypertension in Pregnancy and Beyond

May 6, 2021, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM PST. Members: $24.99; Student members: $14.99; Non-members: $49.99. Presenter Nora Drummond, DNP CNM, FNP-BC is a clinical instructor

at the University of Michigan and practicing midwife with IHA Nurse Midwives in Ann Arbor Michigan. Her research focuses on cardiovascular health in reproductive-aged women and quality improvement initiatives on labor and delivery units. She is committed to research and practice initiatives that improve healthy equity across obstetric and primary care. Register Here

Birth Justice Solano: Connection, healing, and resilience through childbirth

Join the Solano Commission for Women and Girls on Saturday, May 8 from 10:00-12:30 PST as we partner with Solano HEALs to host "Birth Justice Solano: Connection, Healing and Resilience Through Childbirth." This free virtual event will include education from a panel of experts on black maternal and infant health disparities and solutions, storytelling from black mothers who have lived experience, and empowerment and action through brainstorming how to reduce the maternal and infant health disparity in Solano County and achieve Birth Justice.

2020 Mom Public Health Fellows Program

In 2021, 2020 Mom is inviting public health department leaders to join our first cohort of the Maternal Mental Health Public Health Fellows program through a competitive application process. The 12 month program launches in June 2021 and will run through June 2022 when a second cohort will begin. Applications are due by May 10, 2021. The aim of the program is to assist state and county public health departments in closing gaps in maternal mental health.

ACEs Aware: Trauma is our heritage, healing is our nature

Tuesday, May 18, 2021, at 11 a.m. PST: In the first of a two-part webinar series, participants will learn how trauma and toxic stress can heal through an ecological framework of health that considers each individual as part of an organizational system. Integrative psychiatrist Omid Naim, MD, founder of La Maida Project, will discuss how to self-regulate through the latest brain research, how our wisdom and traditions of storytelling support health in our communities, and how shared values can unite us and create a culture that heals. Register here.

ACEs Aware: Healing the whole through cultural transformation

Thursday, May 20, 2021, at 11 a.m. PST: In the second webinar of this two-part series, Dr. Naim will lead participants on a journey to understanding ACEs and its role in illuminating how to create a trauma-informed, integrative culture of healing. Dr. Naim will be joined by Ken Epstein, PhD, LCSW, a recognized leader in trauma-informed systems transformation, to discuss self-empowerment following trauma. Finally, Anil Vadaparty, CEO of McKinley, a child-welfare agency, will share his personal experience and what it means to lead a trauma-informed organization. Register here

ACEs Aware: Racism and discrimination as risk factors for toxic stress

This free on-demand webinar is now available. Presenters discuss some of the main social and environmental factors that lead to health disparities, as well as the impacts of racism and discrimination on public health across communities; the role of racism and discrimination as risk factors for toxic stress and ACE-Associated Health Conditions; and making the case to clinicians and clinical teams that implementing trauma-informed care principles and ACE screening can help promote health equity as part of supporting the health and wellbeing of their patients. Watch now!

Postpartum Support International (PSI) Online Certificate Trainings

PSI has developed an internationally recognized unique evidence-based training program for health providers and social support networks. We have created an expert corps of experienced trainers and are committed to providing you with the most current research. The 2-day PSI Certificate of Completion Course, taught by experienced and engaging faculty, is a thorough and evidence-based curriculum designed for nurses, physicians, social workers, mental health providers, childbirth professionals, social support providers, or anyone interested in learning skills and knowledge for assessment and treatment of perinatal mood disorders. Registration includes training binder, handouts, and continuing education credits. The two day training Perinatal Mood Disorders: Components of Care will take place on May 19-20, 2021. In addition, both the Advanced Psychotherapy Training and the Advanced Psychopharmacology Training will take place virtually on May 21, 2021. Contact Orrin Banta for more information on any of these courses:

Bay Area Health Equity Speaker Series

Presented by the Bay Area Medical Society Coalition and Samuel Merritt University, the Bay Area Health Equity Speaker Series will take place on Tuesday evenings, from May 18 to June 15, 6:30 to 8:00 PM. Register here, and for questions or registration assistance, please contact Jenn Mullins at or call 510-654-5383

  • May 18, 2021 Linkage Between Social Inequality and Health Disparities, Rishi Manchanda, MD, MPH

  • May 25, 2021 Health Inequity in the Bay Area, Anthony Iton, MD, JD, MPH

  • June 1, 2021 Community Resilience Case Study: Physician Leaders of the African American Response Circle

  • June 8, 2021 Organization Strategy Case Study: The Permanente Medical Group

  • June 15, 2021 Model of Success Case Study: Kedren Community Health Center

ACNM Leadership Link

ACNM, in partnership with the Johnson and Johnson Foundation, invites you to participate in Leadership Link, a virtual learning experience and accompanying study. You are eligible to participate if you meet the following criteria:

  1. You are a certified nurse-midwife (CNM) or certified midwife (CM),

  2. You are an ACNM member; and

  3. It has been less than 10 years since you started your career as a CNM/CM.

Participants will complete an eight-week online curriculum as well as surveys about the experience. The curriculum is approximately 12 hours of content across ten leadership-focused courses on the LinkedIn Learning platform that are aligned with ACNM's core leadership competencies. Additional midwifery-specific supplemental materials will also be provided via the ACNM website. Participants will complete three 10-15 minute online surveys (one before, one immediately after completing the curriculum, and one approximately three months after completing the curriculum) to learn about the impact of the curriculum on leadership skills. Participants will be eligible to receive up to 12.5 continuing education credits as well as up to $25 in gift cards. Midwives of color and members of historically marginalized communities are particularly encouraged to apply. Apply by May 24, 2021. Contact with any questions about the program or study.

California Health Care Foundation Health Care Leadership Program

The CHCF two-year, part-time fellowship is geared toward clinicians interested in developing leadership and management skills. Each year, up to 32 physicians, behavioral health providers, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, and other health care professionals from across California are selected to participate in this program. More than 500 people have completed the fellowship in its 20-year history. Apply by June 16, 2021.

Dignity in Pregnancy and Childbirth Project

Diversity Science and project director, Rachel Hardeman, PhD, MPH, have developed and launched an interactive online training course and resources on implicit bias and reproductive justice. The free course addresses the training requirements of the California Dignity in Pregnancy and Childbirth Act (SB 464) and can be accessed on Diversity Science's website.

Intimate Partner Violence Nurse Examiner Certificate Program

Presented by the International Association of Forensic Nurses, this 100% online, 15-hour certificate program is geared toward nurses treating patients who experience intimate partner violence. Attendees will become qualified to administer and score the Danger Assessment, and ensure that patients get the comprehensive, trauma-informed care they deserve. Learn more.


Scholarships and Grants

AWHONN 2021 Convention Scholarship

Through the generous support of AWHONN’s charitable giving program, Every Woman, Every Baby, AWHONN is offering 30 Convention Scholarships to members. AWHONN members experiencing financial hardship, members of underrepresented groups, and members within the Kissimmee, FL area are strongly encouraged to apply. The application deadline is May 31, 2021, 5 pm EST. The selection committee will review applications based on need and notify selected applicants via email by July 15, 2021. The convention will take place this year October 9-12, 2021. Contact AWHONN at with questions.

Scholarships for Lactation Professionals

From June 1 - 30, 2021, applications will be open for the Dr. Clifton J. Kenon, Jr. Health Equity Scholarship, the Joanne W. Scott Scholarship, and the MILCC Scholarship. The Dr. Clifton J. Kenon, Jr. Health Equity Scholarship is for professionals planning to earn the International Board Certified Lactation Consultant® (IBCLC®) credential in 2022, and seeks to reduce health disparities through the certification of lactation professionals primarily serving African-American communities. The Joanne W. Scott Scholarship is awarded once a year to an IBCLC Exam or Recertifying candidate from a mother-to-mother support group. The MILCC Scholarship is awarded once a year to IBCLC Exam and Recertifying candidates. The main criteria for selection is financial need, and priority is given to candidates who serve a population lacking access to the specialized services of an IBCLC. To learn more, visit

Ferring Racial Equality Research Grants

As a leader in Reproductive Medicine and Maternal Health, Ferring is determined to play our part in reducing racial disparities in maternal mortality and to improving in vitro fertilization (IVF), pregnancy and post-partum outcomes for black communities, indigenous communities and all communities of colour. The Ferring Innovation Grants Programme for Racial Equality in Reproductive Medicine and Maternal Health aims to fund projects in basic and translational research, clinical research, epidemiology and prevention research and social science research. The programme will provide a limited number of research grants of up to EUR 20,000 per research project. Applications are due by July 1, 2021. Click here for more information.


Job Opportunities

SisterSong Steering Committee Member

SisterSong is opening applications for a Steering Committee to guide the Community Power-Building for Birth Justice program’s work. The Steering Committee will consist of 12 BIPOC across the following communities, Indigenous, Native, Black, Latinx, Asian-American, and Pacific Islander, that are knowledgeable about or have experience working on birth and parenting justice. The application deadline is May 11. Click here for more information/to apply.

San Dimas Medical Group

San Dimas Medical Group is hiring a Certified Nurse-Midwife! San Dimas Medical Group is a physician-owned medical group located in Bakersfield, in Southern California’s San Joaquin Valley, and they are looking to innovate their practice by integrating midwifery. More information can be found here.

Job openings to share?

If you have a job opening, please post it at! We will happily share your listing in our newsletter and on social media.


Medi-Cal Rx Update

Medi-Cal Pharmacy Professional Dispensing Fee Provider Self-Attestation

The Pharmacy Provider Self-Attestation Process has been extended through May 9, 2021 and has a new web address. More information is available here.


Midwife Crush Mondays!

Do you know an amazing Midwife who is doing revolutionary work? We want to feature them on our social media platforms!

CNMA is looking for submissions for our new social media series “Midwife Crush Monday” where we highlight the stories of trailblazing midwives across the industry who are making a difference in the midwifery profession. You can even submit yourself!

Here’s what we’re looking for:

  • Midwife’s name (include pronouns)

  • Affiliated organization(s)

  • Why you became a midwife (and anything awesome you’d like to brag about)

  • Headshot/Photo if available

  • Bonus: Please include social media handles for tagging!

Please send submissions to for consideration!


Questions? News? Want to get involved?

Email us at

That's all for this month's issue. Catch you next time!


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This newsletter will be archived on our website at



The California Nurse Midwife Association (CNMA) is the professional organization representing Certified Nurse-Midwives and Certified Midwives in the state of California.


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