Who Gets to Be Afraid in America? by Ibram X. Kendi
CNMA is working towards becoming an antiracist organization. In 2019 new bylaws were approved that recognize CNMA’s responsibility to actively address racism and the resulting health inequalities suffered by communities of color. Importantly, we must actively support efforts to increase racial diversity in our profession while engaging actively in self-education. “Spotlight on Antiracism” is a new section of the newsletter where you will find a monthly educational offering. We encourage our membership to check it out and share widely in your workplaces.
So far we have explored white privileges with the classic, White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack, by Peggy McIntosh, and last month we recommended our members go deeper by exploring the tenants of white supremacy culture and their antidotes in Tema Okun’s work: white supremacy culture. This month we are looking to explore how white supremacy culture has harmed people of color and created intergenerational trauma.
we are no longer surprised - adrienne maree brown
CNMA Stands with the Black Lives Matter Movement - Justice for Breonna Taylor
A grand jury indicted a former Louisville police officer on Wednesday for wanton endangerment for his actions that killed Breonna Taylor, a Black medical worker who was shot and killed by police officers in March during a botched raid on her apartment. No charges were announced against the other two officers who fired shots, and no one was charged for causing Ms. Taylor’s death. (See NYT coverage here or listen to the podcast of their reporting here. Read Tressie Cottom's gut wrenching response here.)
We oppose this grand jury’s decision and stand with Breonna Taylor and the Black Lives Matter Movement in demanding justice be served for the killing of an innocent woman. We recognize this ruling causes further pain and trauma for the black community. We encourage you to support the foundation in Breonna’s honor supporting police reform, black youth engagement, scholarships for black youth seeking medical careers and support for black women business owners.
CNMA stands with whistleblower Dawn Wooten and condemns forced sterilizations
In early September whistleblower Dawn Wooten revealed people held by ICE in the Irwin County Detention Center, privately owned and operated by LaSalle Corrections, in Ocilla, Georgia were subject to forced hysterectomies. CNMA condemns this horrific human rights violation. We recognize reproductive control as a tool of white supremacy and that eugenic practices such as forced sterilizations, and coercive birth control policies and practices have a long history that extends into current day practices. We recognize that this legacy and the current incarnations cause continued harm to our BIPOC clients, colleagues and community members. We encourage our members to: sign the Sister Song Statement, Uplift and support organizing work by Georgia reproductive justice and imigration justice organizations